Friday 8 July 2016

Entering A New Era...

Welcome Back!

As you are probably all aware, I have not posted a review since February and for that I am truly sorry. I wanted to post weekly reviews of books across all different genres. Unfortunately being a full time A level student was a whole lot more work that I could have ever imagined. Plus being a perfectionist when it comes to essay writing, of which 3 out of my 3 A level subjects consisted of, really eats away at your free time, not that I had any in the last month or so. I don't mean to demonise A levels. The subjects I did were extremely worthwhile and opened up new areas of learning that I had not before experienced. However, in order to do my best, I needed to spend every waking moment glued to desk over an awe-inspiring mountain of books and worksheets - an image that will forever be imprinted on my brain. As a result, I fell out of my blogging routine and even, for a brief period during my examinations, stopped reading for pleasure. I have truly missed being immersed in the worlds created by writers new and old.

To restart my blog I wanted to completely redesign and add even more content. As a lover of fashion and beauty since I was little I wanted to incorporate these aspects also into my blog whilst retaining the same style reviews of books and literature. I really want to expand this blog even more so its not just another book review blog, but a physical representation of my own personality. So starting from Sunday I will be posting reviews, hauls and general thoughts and opinions on topics covering a wide spectrum including, books, clothing, beauty, travel and much, much more.

I look forward to reconnecting with the blogger community again and hearing your own thoughts and opinions about books, beauty and fashion!

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