Sunday 10 January 2016

January TBR

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! 2016 is set to be a massive year for YA fiction with many new books and films coming out. This year I wanted to document the books that I plan to read better and sharing the reasons behind why I want to read certain books and series. I follow numerous booktubers and book blogs on the internet and over the past few months I have loved the concept of TBR's and wrap-up's for each month. For those of you who are not aware of these concepts, a TBR, 'to-be-read', is a brief list of the books you plan to read in a given month. A wrap-up, on the other hand, is a list of the books you managed to read at the end of the month, these are usually put with a brief review of each book.

This year I have decided to follow a similar format to share more of my reading habits as well as encourage me to read more. I hope that this will not only help me to read my 2016 Goodreads goal but will also give you some more recommendations. So here are the books I plan to read in the month of January;

A Game of Thrones By George R.R. Martin
The Game of Thrones series has a huge following and impressive number of positive reviews online. Having received the series for Christmas, I hope to start the series in January by hopefully finishing the first instalment in the series.

Legend By Marie Lu
The Legend series has also received great reviews on Youtube and on Goodreads. It has been a while since I read a YA dystopian series so I am really intrigued to see if the series lives up to its reviews and others in the genre.

A Brief History of Seven Killings By Marlon James
This was another book I received for Christmas and I am really excited to read this. The book received the 2015 Man Booker Prize and focuses on a part of history that I have not yet explored in fiction.

Follow my progress throughout the month on Goodreads! -

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